This is what I tell myself when so many grievous injustices surround me at every turn. I want to be informed, I want to be connected. I don’t want to ignore what’s going on around me.
But sometimes I have to turn it off.
And create.
Do you ever wonder if having more art in our children’s education would help alleviate the violence we’re experiencing right now? I feel like we need to look at the root of the problem, the soul that exists in everyone, and focus on feeding them.
My heart aches for the the world we live in right now, especially in our own country.
But I refuse to let it get me down, and neither should you.
I encourage you to create. Get creative. Follow your juices and do something that will feed your soul and keep your spirits up.
We have to stay connected in this way, we have to be in this together. So much of my therapy in maintaining normal brain chemistry levels, comes from writing, expressing, creating.
Hence, why I have a blog now. Ha
Write, draw, dance, sing, paint, sculpt, create, love the wrong — with me — and never give up! ONE PERSON can make a difference. Remember, you are one person.